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Policy Areas


This includes biodiversity protection, research and offsets; mine rehabilitation, closure and relinquishment; data collection and reporting; sharing good practice; and emissions, discharge management, pollution control and air quality.

Climate Change

The Climate and Energy Reference Group is tasked with leading policy development on climate, greenhouse gas emissions and energy-related issues impacting the resources sector.

Economic Competitiveness

Focused on ensuring a globally competitive and stable operating environment that recognises the resources sector as a strategic driver of economic growth and development.

Skills and Workforce Capability

Focuses on ensuring the Western Australian resources sector has access to a diverse, sustainable and appropriately skilled talent pipeline to meet the industry’s future needs.

Workplace Health & Safety

Identifies opportunities for continuous improvement and leads the development of unified responses on key issues impacting the resources sector.


CME’s advocacy encourages coordinated planning across infrastructure asset classes and the identification of the state’s economic and social infrastructure needs.

Exploration & Land Access

Ensuring the ongoing strength of the exploration sector creates the pipeline of future resource sector projects that drives the associated social and economic benefits across WA.