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Wheatstone domestic gas delivery good news for WA households and businesses

The commencement of domestic gas deliveries from the Chevron-operated Wheatstone natural gas facility in the Pilbara is great news for Western Australian households and businesses, as it will provide a cost-effective supply of energy for decades.

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) acting chief executive Caroline Cherry said in addition to providing a reliable energy supply, Wheatstone was making a significant economic contribution to the long-term future of Western Australia through job creation, government revenue and procurement of local goods and services.

“Western Australia has a great standing for its secure domestic gas supply and today’s announcement will further strengthen our reputation,” she said.

“The start of domestic gas deliveries from Wheatstone will especially give businesses and industry the confidence that they will have access to an affordable and consistent supply of energy well into the future.

“It will also mean more affordable and reliable electricity for WA homes.”

At full capacity, the Chevron-operated Gorgon and Wheatstone natural gas facilities will be able to produce 500 terajoules per day of domestic gas for the WA market – enough to generate electricity for 4.3 million households.

According to third party independent analysis, the Wheatstone project will add more than $180 billion to Australia’s GDP, almost $6 billion per year from 2009 to 2040 forecasts; and boost state and federal government revenues by almost $50 billion, around $1.5 billion per year.

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