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First Round of Asset Sales Welcomed

Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) Chief Executive Reg Howard-Smith welcomed the decision of the State Government to commence the sale of state assets.

“CME has been urging the Government to articulate a clear path to regain Western Australia’s AAA credit rating.  Today’s announcement is a step in the right direction,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

Today’s announcement includes the sale of port handling facilities at Kwinana Bulk Terminal and Port Hedland’s Utah Point which includes a shiploader, two stockyard product storage facilities and supporting infrastructure.

As the gateway to key commodity markets, Western Australia’s ports and handling facilities are vital pieces of infrastructure for the resources sector.

It is crucial that during the sale process, all existing rights in the port are protected and that it remains a commercial facility into the future.

“The Government should work with port-users to ensure that no users face additional costs or disadvantage during the sale process,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

“Business has a renewed focus on improving productivity and efficiencies to counteract the increasing costs of doing business.  The last thing the sector needs is any additional costs damaging our international competitiveness,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

Any attempt to impose additional costs and charges or royalty increases onto the resources sector will jeopardise future investment, employment and growth in Western Australia.

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