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Premier’s Decision on Wheatstone Welcomed

Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) Chief Executive Reg Howard-Smith welcomed the decision of the Premier allowing Chevron’s Fly-in Fly-out operations workforce to be accommodated in an existing facility in close proximity to the Wheatstone Project.

“The resources sector places a high priority on the safety and health of its workforce.  By locating accommodation near the facility, worker fatigue will be reduced by eliminating more than an additional one hour per day in travel time,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

The reduction of additional vehicle traffic on Onslow road during dusk and dawn times is a significant mitigation of risk.

“Given the accommodation in question is already built, the proposal to utilize existing high quality infrastructure rather than build a completely new facility in town and mothball the existing infrastructure makes sense,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

“With a focus on improving our international competiveness, eliminating unnecessary capital and operating costs makes good business sense,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

Chevron remains committed to constructing new housing in Onslow, as evidenced by the recent purchase of 50 lots and a nine hectare site within LandCorp’s Stage 1 residential development in Onslow. Chevron’s commitment has enabled LandCorp to commence development of a new estate ensuring Onslow locals and small businesses have access to affordable housing in line with the Pilbara Cities vision for the town.

“The Wheatstone Project is delivering significant benefits and opportunities to the people of Onslow,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

“Chevron has committed $250 million for critical and social infrastructure, which incorporates upgrading community facilities, education and health services and road, water and power infrastructure,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

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