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Another FIFO Myth Busted

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) welcomed a new report released today by the Committee for Perth which busts the myth that people employed in the resources sector and fly-in, fly-out (FIFO) employees choose to live in the outer suburbs of Perth.

The FACTBase report found that people living in Perth’s inner suburbs are actually more tied to the resources sector than any other area of Perth.

“While regional WA is a great place to live and work, the vibrancy and amenities available in Perth make living near the city an attractive choice for many in the resources sector”, said Mr Howard-Smith.

“It should come as no surprise that FIFO employees use the same rationale as the rest of the community when making decisions about where they choose to live. They look for attractive, safe neighbourhoods, with a clean environment, quality schools, playgrounds and sporting facilities. They also wanted to be within driving distance to the CBD and airport,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

CME Chief Executive, Reg Howard-Smith said some in the community sought to stigmatise FIFO employees and perpetuate myths associated with FIFO, despite a growing bank of research which highlights FIFO employees share the same health and lifestyle outlook as other Western Australians.

FIFO is a popular and growing work practice, embraced by many thousands of Western Australians.

“Put simply, it’s a matter of choice for employees – a choice about where they live and where they choose to work” said Mr Howard-Smith.

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