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Federal Infrastructure Funding Welcomed

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) welcomed the Federal Government’s announcement of $480 million to fund two major road projects in Western Australia.

This announcement will support the growth of the Western Australian resources sector which is delivering economy-wide benefits.   In September 2013 there was $146billion of resource projects under construction or committed in Western Australia and a further $97billion under consideration.

Western Australia’s strong economy continues to place increasing demands on social and economic infrastructure and it is vital the state receives an appropriate share of the Federal Government’s infrastructure spend.

“Funding for both the Great Northern and North West Coastal Highways will assist industry in moving freight and equipment in a safe and timely fashion,” said CME Chief Executive Reg Howard-Smith.

“Western Australia’s freight network plays a pivotal role in supporting our position as the nation’s leading exporter,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

“It is pleasing the Federal Government has recognised the importance of road infrastructure in Western Australia in delivering ongoing prosperity to the national economy,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

“Sensible policy initiatives, along with funding for key infrastructure projects will assist the resources sector to continue its significant economic contribution to the Western Australian and Australian communities,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

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