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Green Tape Reduction Plan Welcomed

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) welcome the Federal Government’s framework for the development of a one-stop shop to streamline environmental approvals.

“An approvals framework which avoids unnecessary duplication and delivers certainty, efficiency and transparency of decision making process is vital to attract future investment in the resources sector,” said CME Chief Executive Reg Howard-Smith.

The experience of recent federal environmental assessments of major resource projects has highlighted a lack of intergovernmental cooperation and unnecessary duplication which has resulted in drawn-out approval timelines and uncertainty for industry.

“In no way does a one-stop shop represent a “watering down” of environmental standards. It is simply a more efficient and cost effective approach to assessing the environmental suitability of projects,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

“CME members believe the approvals system must be underpinned by highest environmental integrity, readily understood by proponents and respected amongst community members,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

“It is pleasing to see the Federal Government focus on the challenges faced by the sector, specifically, reducing the cost of doing business. Sensible policy initiatives such as those announced today will enable the continued growth of the resources sector in Western Australia,” said CME Chief Executive, Reg Howard-Smith.

The Western Australian resources sector looks forward to working collaboratively with the Federal Government to abolish unnecessary additional costs and compliance burdens faced by the resources sector such as the Mineral Resource Rent Tax.

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