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CME Welcomes New Appointments

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) is pleased to announce two key appointments – Julie Hill to the position of General Manager, Corporate Services and Anne Dawson to the position of Coordinator, Events and Communications.

CME Chief Executive Reg Howard-Smith welcomed both appointments.

Prior to joining CME, Julie was Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary for a number of ASX listed minerals and exploration companies.

“Julie is an experienced and highly qualified financial and corporate manager, with direct resources sector experience,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

“Julie’s strong understanding of the financial challenges facing the mining and exploration sector will prove valuable in assisting CME’s diverse and growing membership,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

Anne brings to CME six years experience in marketing and communications. Anne previous role was Senior Marketing Coordinator with an engineering contractor firm.

Having recently completed her Masters of Communications and Media Studies, Anne is well placed to make a significant contribution to CME’s team.

Both Julie and Anne have commenced with CME.

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