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New CME President Announced

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) today announced Cameco Australia, Managing Director, Brian Reilly has been endorsed as CME’s new President.

In welcoming the appointment, Acting Chief Executive, Nicole Roocke said Brian has more than 25 years of experience in exploration, project development and management of mining companies internationally.

“Brian has been involved in many facets of the resource sector throughout his career and brings these skills and experiences to the CME presidency. Brian has been an active member of CME’s Executive Council since 2011,” said Ms Roocke.

Canadian-based Cameco Corporation is one of the world’s largest uranium producers. Cameco has been actively exploring for uranium in Australia since 1996 and is involved in a number of projects across the country.

In addition to the leadership provided by CME’s Executive Council, Brian will be supported in his role by CME Management Committee members including:

  • Simon Butterworth – Alcoa Australia
  • Graham Ehm – AngloGold Ashanti Australia
  • Jimmy Wilson – BHP Billiton Iron Ore
  • Paul Harvey – BHP Billiton Nickel West
  • Nev Power – Fortescue Metals Group
  • Steve Keyser – Leighton Contractors/Ross Carroll – Macmahon Contractors
  • George Bauk – Northern Minerals
  • David Joyce – Rio Tinto
  • Tina Thomas – Woodside Energy

Ms Roocke paid tribute to the efforts of former CME President Greg Lilleyman who served as CME President for the past two years.

“After moving to a new role within Rio Tinto, Greg indicated he would have to relinquish the CME presidency,” said Ms Roocke.

“Given Greg’s passion for workforce safety, I know he would be most pleased that during his term as President, the WA resource sector had its first fatality free year on record. A feat we are all working hard to repeat in 2013.”

“Under Greg’s presidency, CME strengthened its position as WA’s peak representative body for the resources sector growing to its largest membership in its 112 year history.”

“I am confident that I speak on behalf of all members in thanking Greg for his outstanding service and advocacy on behalf of the WA resource sector,” said Ms Roocke.

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