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Surface Mine Rescure Competition Winners

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) congratulated everyone involved in the Surface Mine Emergency Response Competition held over the past weekend.

CME are the proud hosts of the annual event involving emergency response teams from 11 mining companies in the Goldfields and surrounding regions with the goal of improving emergency response skills and knowledge.

The 8 challenging events were held in the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder. Teams were tasked with realistic scenarios including fire fighting, first aid, rope rescue, team skills, confined space rescue, incident management scenario, vehicle extrication, hazchem and theory.

The winners are:

  • Best Team 1st: Barrick Kanowna
  • Best Team 2nd: Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines (KCGM)
  • Best Team 3rd: Norton Gold Fields
  • Best Captain: Donny Rice, Barrick Kanowna
  • Best New Team: Nickel West Combined team, BHP Billiton
  • Best New Captain: Tim Boake, Focus Minerals
  • Team Skills: KCGM
  • Vehicle Extrication: KCGM,
  • HazChem: Norton Gold Fields
  • Rope Rescue: Barrick Kanowna
  • Theory: Barrick Yilgarn One
  • Team Safety: KCGM
  • Fire Fighting: Norton Gold Fields
  • Incident Management Scenario: Justin De Meillon, Barrick Kanowna
  • Confined Space Rescue: Barrick Kanowna
  • First Aid: Barrick Kanowna
  • Theory Individual: Steve D’Souza, Norton Gold Fields
  • Overall BA Skills: Barrick Kanowna
  • Overall First Aid: Barrick Kanowna

Barrick Kanowna took out the overall honours for Best Team, followed by KCGM in second place, and in third place Norton Gold Fields.

Barrick Kanowna’s Donny Rice’s performance was outstanding to receive the award as Best Captain. Barrick Kanowna also had success in the Incident Management Scenario, with Justin De Meillon taking out the honours.
CME congratulate everyone involved, the competing teams, event management personnel, volunteers and organisers who all worked tirelessly over the weekend to produce a very successful event.

CME thanks site hosts Norton Gold Fields, KCGM, and the Goldfields Institute of Technology for the use of their facilities over the weekend.

Media enquiries
Linda Crook | | 0418 959 162

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