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TAFE Restructure Welcomed By Resources Sector

Chamber of Minerals and Energy (CME) chief executive Reg Howard-Smith welcomed the review of the TAFE system, announced by Deputy Premier and Minister for Training and Workforce Development, the Hon Liza Harvey.

“Ensuring Western Australia has a viable and sustainable state training provider network is of paramount importance to the economic future of Western Australia,” Mr Howard-Smith said.

Under the restructure, the focus of the TAFE network will be shifted to focus firmly on the delivery of quality vocational education and training programs to deliver skills needed by industry.

“Regionally based state training providers play an important role in supporting communities in which they are based. We welcome the Government’s commitment to maintaining a state training provider presence in regional Western Australia,” Mr Howard-Smith said.

“The resources sector looks forward to restriking a partnership with the reformed state training provider network and working collaboratively to ensure the network can more effectively meet the skills development needs of a sector which is economically vital to the state’s future.”

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