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Innovation Awards Finalists Announced

Ground breaking innovations in safety and health are being celebrated with the announcement of finalists in the 2016 Chamber of Minerals and Energy Safety and Health Innovation Awards.

The finalists include company initiatives such as a custom built drone to collect water samples from disused mine pits and facial recognition technology for underground operators to proactively identify those who may be at risk of suffering from fatigue.

Open to all WA-based resource companies, operations and contractors, the Innovation Awards showcase the best in creativity and ingenuity with the goal of improving safety and health outcomes at all workplaces.

CME chief executive Reg Howard-Smith said innovation was being used for the best reason possible in the resources sector – to improve safety and wellbeing of industry workers.

“The safety performance of the WA resources sector is a focus for the entire industry. It is vital we remain vigilant and look for ways to improve and innovate,” Mr Howard-Smith said.

“Our finalists are at the forefront of finding innovative solutions to improve workplace safety and health – industry’s number one priority.

“I congratulate all finalists and look forward to seeing how their innovations can be used more widely across industry.”

Nearly 50 submissions were received for the awards, which are now in their twelfth year.

Finalists will present an overview of their innovative solutions to peers in an interactive case study format at the 2016 CME Safety and Health Innovation Forum, to be held at the Parmelia Hilton on Wednesday, 3 August.

Category winners will then be announced at the Innovation Awards Cocktail Event immediately following the forum.

CME thanks all companies and individuals who lodged submissions in the interest of sharing innovative solutions across the industry.

Registrations to attend the Forum and awards ceremony are now open at the CME Event Registration page.

The 2016 CME Safety and Health Innovation Awards finalists are:

Engineering Category

  • Karara Mining Ltd – Micro-Mist Dust Suppression System for Primary Crusher Run-of-Mine (ROM) Bin
  • Monadelphous Group – Gridmesh Clip Installation Tool
  • Rio Tinto – Venturi Waste Removal System

Systems Category

  • Barminco – Mobile Interaction Safety System
  • Barminco – Interactive Virtual Reality Safety Training System
  • Mount Gibson Iron – Unmanned Aerial System for Abandoned Pit Lake Sampling at Tallering Peak

People Category

  • BGC Contracting – “In Safe Hands” Program
  • BHP Billiton Iron Ore – Improving Mental Wellness of Employees
  • Rio Tinto – Improving Safety through Breakthrough Methodology and Solutions

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