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State Government Funding for Suicide Prevention Training

Western Australia’s peak resources sector body has welcomed today’s news of grants to support suicide prevention training in remote and regional Western Australia.

CME chief executive Reg Howard-Smith said the announcement by Mental Health Minister Andrea Mitchell would ensure support for critical mental health issues extended to the areas of the greatest need.

“Access to funding will equip communities and mental health services with essential skills to support at risk groups in key areas,” Mr Howard-Smith said.

“It is pleasing to see State Government backing the Western Australian Suicide Prevention Strategy with funding to ensure ongoing implementation."

Mr Howard-Smith said access to robust data to identify gaps and areas of need should continue to guide the work into the future.

“We know from the available data that regional populations are in need of further support and suicide prevention training is an important step.”

Mr Howard-Smith said government should continue to fund work and collaborate with stakeholders to improve access to mental health support services throughout the State.

“Mining companies have long-recognised the importance of employee mental and physical wellbeing through various training and support services.

“However mental health issues are a societal matter that all of industry, the community and government should be working together to address.”

CME looks forward to its ongoing work with the State Government, the Department of Mines and Petroleum and the Mental Health Commission to support continuous improvement across all areas of workplace health and safety.

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