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New CME President Appointed

In welcoming the appointment, CME Chief Executive, Mr Reg Howard-Smith, said Jeroen has extensive international experience in the resources sector, including senior roles with Shell and Perth-based Woodside Energy.

“Jeroen has worked in the oil and gas industry for 27 years, so brings a great depth of knowledge and expertise to the role. Having worked for Woodside since 2009 and serving on CME’s Executive Council since 2013, Jeroen understands the issues facing the Western Australian resources sector and CME’s members,” Mr Howard-Smith said.

Mr Howard-Smith paid tribute to the efforts of former CME President Brian Reilly who had served as CME President since July 2013.

“Brian led CME admirably through a period of challenge and change in WA’s resources sector. During this time the industry has changed significantly, particularly as it moves from construction to production.

“Brian has returned to Canada to take up a new, expanded role at Cameco’s head office. On behalf of CME and all our members, I congratulate Brian on his new role and thank him sincerely for his leadership, guidance and contribution to the Western Australian resources sector over the last four years.”

Nominations and endorsements for the roles of CME President and Vice President will take place at CME’s AGM on 27 April 2017. 

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