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CME launches new industry positioning campaign

The positive campaign will commence with a series of cinema advertisements promoting Fly-In-Fly-Out (FIFO) as one of a range of choices available to resources sector workers and their families. The first stage of the campaign is an advertisement to be shown in cinemas in Mandurah, Bunbury, Busselton, Albany and Geraldton.

CME Chief Executive, Mr Reg Howard-Smith, said the campaign helps Western Australians understand that FIFO is a personal choice for workers and their families.

“FIFO provides families with choice. We support strong regional communities and local employment throughout the state, but the reality is FIFO is a preference for many employees in WA’s resources sector,” Mr Howard-Smith said.

Mr Reg Howard-Smith also said CME welcomes findings from an independent report by ACIL Allen Consulting into the economic benefits of Rio Tinto’s regional FIFO programme in Western Australia.

“The ACIL Allen report highlights Rio Tinto’s regional FIFO programme continues to make a very significant economic contribution to regional WA, employing over 2,000 employees from regional towns, in addition to those in the Pilbara region.

“Residents of regional towns are provided greater job choices and the ability to remain in their home towns, where many have established family commitments and support networks.

“FIFO employment has a long history in Western Australia and remains a popular work practice. Many people choose to work FIFO because it suits their family situation, and it is important that this choice of employment is protected.” 

Please view the ad:  FIFO – Giving Families Choice

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