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CME welcomes Premier Mark McGowan

CME Chief Executive, Mr Reg Howard-Smith, said the organisation has confidence the new Premier and his team will support Western Australia’s resources sector to ensure it stays strong.

“As a former State Development Minister and Minister for Environment, Mark McGowan has a good understanding of the issues facing the resources sector,” Mr Howard-Smith said.

“We are pleased the Labor Government will not implement the job-destroying iron ore mining tax as proposed by the WA Nationals. Based on the election results there is no mandate for this tax to be implemented and CME is pleased Labor stand firmly against this bad policy.

“CME looks forward to working with the Labor Government to grow the resources sector for the benefit of the state.”

Mr Howard-Smith also praised former Premier, Colin Barnett, for his work with the sector since 2008.

“Despite recent challenges facing the sector as it moves from a period of construction to production, it is in good shape. The hard work and dedication from Colin Barnett and his government has contributed to a sector that is strong, resilient and well positioned to continue to deliver important opportunities for the Western Australian community now and into the future," he said.

“CME thanks Mr Barnett for his exemplary work which has seen the resources sector and, as a result, Western Australia, thrive.”


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