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CME Welcomes Liberals’ Resources Policy

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) welcome the Liberals’ Mines and Petroleum policy released today.

CME are particularly pleased to see the expansion of the Department of Mines and Petroleum’s approvals tracking scheme into the Department of Water, The Department of Environment Regulation and the Environmental Protection Authority.

CME believes that the Department of Mines and Petroleum approvals tracking system has led the way within Government for accountability and transparency of project approvals. The roll out of this program across other government agencies will encourage the future growth and investment in the Western Australian resource sector by meeting industry expectations for accountable, transparent and timely approvals.

The positive $8million funding announcement to develop a publically available online biodiversity, water and cultural heritage database and virtual library is also welcomed by CME. An aligned and coordinated state-wide biodiversity, water and cultural heritage knowledge management system removes a significant roadblock to the advancement and development of future resource projects in Western Australia. The development of this system will greatly assist in delivering more efficient and cost effective approvals at the same time adding to the State’s scientific knowledge.

This announcement is an important step in developing a framework for collaboration and cooperation between WA’s leading biodiversity conservation research organisations, through a Biodiversity Initiative.

Further to today’s policy release, CME welcomed the Premier’s announcement earlier in the election campaign, strongly ruling out additional levies and taxes on the resource sector – such as the training levy proposed by the WA Nationals.

The Western Australian resources sector looks forward to working collaboratively with Government to ensure the sector continues to grow. With sensible policy initiatives such as those announced today we will continue to see real economic benefits to all Western Australians.

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