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Employee Well-Being a Shared Responsibility

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) has participated in a panel discussion on Fly In-Fly Out (FIFO) and mental health at the Australian Oil and Gas Conference 2015.
“Despite some recent assertions there may be a higher occurrence of mental health issues associated with FIFO employment, research is yet to find any substantial evidence in support of such claims,” said Deputy Chief Executive Nicole Roocke.
In recent years, employees doing fly-in fly-out have been extensively researched, particularly in relation to their mental health.  While the stressors are clearly different given the nature of employment, the existing body of evidence does not indicate the mental health of fly-in fly-out employees is any worse than the general population, with some research suggesting the sector may be more resilient.
“Doing fly-in fly-out itself is not the direct cause of suicide or mental health conditions.  Mental health and wellbeing are complex issues determined by multiple and interacting factors, not just a single issue,” said Ms Roocke.
“The challenge for the State Parliamentary Inquiry, industry, community and government is to clearly understand what is causal, contributory or coincidental so we can respond to improve the health and wellbeing of not only the employees in the resources sector and their families but also the broader community of WA,” said Ms Roocke.
The Parliamentary Inquiry has the opportunity to increase awareness and understanding of the complex issue of mental health and suicide prevention. Mental health and wellbeing is far broader than the number of suicides; it varies over time and will be impacted by a range of factors, including quality of family and social supports, financial status, work and external environments and other individual factors.
“This makes responsibility for mental health issues a shared one – for individuals, government, community and industry,” said Ms Roocke.

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