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Resources Sector Contribution to Economy Acknowledged

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) said the vital economic contribution of the resources sector to the Australian economy has been recognised in the Government’s 2015/16 Federal Budget.

“CME is pleased the Treasurer acknowledged the valuable contribution made by the resources sector to the ongoing prosperity of Australia,” said CME Chief Executive Reg Howard-Smith.

“The resources sector needs to remain internationally competitive if it is to continue to deliver benefits to the Australian community and to that end, we’re pleased the Federal Government has not placed additional cost burdens on our industry,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

CME welcomes the Government’s infrastructure expenditure including the Perth Freight Link, Gateway WA Project and the establishment of a new $5 billion Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility as the first major step to develop northern Australia.

“Northern Australia, specifically the Pilbara and Kimberley regions are major drivers of economic growth and exports.  Targeted infrastructure investments will deliver a tremendous return to the community over time,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

Industry understands the Government’s desire to make the Zone Tax Offset available to those who have genuinely moved to specified remote areas. CME will consult with Government on changes to the Offset, which may affect some fly in-fly out (FIFO) employees.

“FIFO is essential to meet the industry’s needs for skilled labour, flexibility and global competitiveness in a challenging operating and economic environment. Importantly, FIFO is also a popular work choice for many working in the resources sector,” said Mr Howard-Smith.


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