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CME Supports Ongoing Dialogue on Local Government Ratings

Today’s announcement by the Minister for Local Government and Communities, Tony Simpson MLA, that he will be working with local government to place downward pressure on local government rates is welcome news for the resources sector.

Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) Chief Executive Reg Howard-Smith said the Minister should be commended for his focus on unsustainable rate increases.

“Companies in the resources sector have made many cost savings within their own businesses and simply cannot afford to be slugged ongoing rate increases,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

CME strongly consider all local governments should be pursuing improvements in organisational efficiency and reductions in budgeted expenditure to meet the current economic circumstances.

“This is something resources sector companies and government agencies at other levels have been doing, and local governments should be no different in that regard,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

CME will continue to work with the Minister’s department, the Western Australian Local Government Association and other stakeholders to ensure local governments can continue to function effectively without the need to impose significant rate increases.


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