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New Apprenticeship Pathway for Electricians

The development of a new qualification for Industrial Electrician will provide certainty for industry and a new pathway for apprentices seeking a career in the resources sector.

The Minister for Training and Workforce Development, Liza Harvey’s endorsement of the new Metals and Engineering Training Package (MEM) Industrial Electrician qualification has been welcomed by the Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME).

“The endorsement will provide confidence to employers that future apprentices and employees will have the right skills for the challenges of the resources sector environment,” said CME Deputy Chief Executive Nicole Roocke.

In 2010 the electrical regulator made a decision to cease recognition of the MEM training package pathway as meeting the requirements of an electrician’s licence. This was previously the pathway favoured by a number of companies in the resources sector.

“CME, along with the Resources Industry Training Council have been instrumental in ensuring this new qualification meets the sector’s needs and requirements,” said Ms Roocke.

“The final endorsement by the Minster was the culmination of nearly four years work including significant consultation with industry, employers and regulators,” said Ms Roocke.

It is expected training providers in Western Australia will commence delivery of the new qualification this year.

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