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2015 Women in Resources National Awards Winners Announced

More than 200 people from across Australia gathered in Perth last night to celebrate diversity in the resources sector at the second annual Women in Resources National Awards (WIRNA) hosted by the Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME).

CME Chief Executive Reg Howard-Smith says the awards recognise and celebrate the contributions and achievement of women and men building diversity in the Australian resources sector.

“These awards increase nation-wide awareness of individuals and organisations who are champions of gender diversity and inspiring role models for other women considering a career in the resources sector,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

WIRNA is a partnership between the Minerals Council of Australia and its Northern Territory and Victorian branches, the Queensland Resources Council, the New South Wales Minerals Council, the South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy, the Tasmanian Minerals and Energy Council and CME, with support from various state Women in Mining Network branches.

The Western Australian Minister for Police; Road Safety; Training and Workforce Development; and Women’s Interests Liza Harvey MLA addressed guests and presented an award.

“CME congratulates all the winners and finalists recognised last night for their outstanding efforts in improving gender diversity across the sector,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

The winners and finalists in the 2015 Women in Resources National Awards are:

Winner – Company Excellence in Diversity and Performance
Santos Ltd: Gender Equality Program
– In 2011 Santos introduced the Gender Equality Program as part of its broader Diversity Strategy. Evidence of progress towards gender equality and increased female representation suggests a combination of initiatives and strategies are crucial to success. Since its inception, the multifaceted Gender Equality Program, through its strong governance, monitoring and improvement focus, has delivered benefits across a variety of initiatives.

To deliver improved female representation at Santos, an enhanced focus was required to monitor the Gender Equality Program’s success. The effectiveness of Santos’ increased focus on gender equality can be seen in an increase in female representation and retention at Santos. Women at Santos now make up 25% of its workforce which is an increase of 3% from 22% in 2011.

Runner Up – Company Excellence in Diversity and Performance
Thiess, Wesfarmers Resources and the Salvation Army Employment Plus Team: Oothungs’ (Sisters) in Mining Program
– Changing lives and empowering Indigenous women to determine their own future were just some of the reasons behind the creation of the ‘Oothungs’ (Sisters) in Mining Program – the result of a unique and collaborative effort between Thiess, Wesfarmers Resources and The Salvation Army Employment Plus team.

The program delivers a four-week, pre-employment program to kick start careers for women as trainee-haul truck operators. Upon successful completion of the program, most women take up permanent full-time positions as haul truck operators with Wesfarmers Resources at its Curragh mine or at the Thiess-operated Curragh North or Lake Vermont mines.

• Atlas Iron – Women in Atlas
• Newmont: Tanami Operations – Newmont Women’s Network

Winner –Outstanding Australian Tradeswoman, Technician or Operator
Sabrina McKenzie (Thiess Global Mining SA) – Sabrina is currently a Plant Operator at Prominent Hill. She has been an employee of Thiess for 3.5 years, and she is an experienced Dump Truck operator, who has recently qualified as a D10 Dozer operator (currently the only female Dozer Operator on site.)

As an Indigenous Mentor, Sabrina is able to assist her workmates in resolving issues and also liaise with the Thiess Leadership team on behalf of staff. Sabrina’s mantra is to have daily interactions with her crew members, stop and ask how they are going, listen and acknowledge the person. Indigenous employees still have a reluctance to approach a supervisor to ask questions, however Sabrina is seen as the conduit to assist her fellow workmates to approach and discuss issues with their supervisor.

• Jacqui Purdon – South 32 GEMCO (NT)
• Julie Stainkey – Rio Tinto Alcan Weipa (QLD)
• Madeline Brennan – Glencore Coal Assets Australia (NSW)
• Margeaux Janenko – Kentz Engineers and Construction & She’s Empowered (WA)

Winner – Exceptional Young Woman in Australian Resources
Helena Wu (Santos Ltd SA)
– Helena joined the Santos Graduate Program in 2008, initially as a Field Production Optimisation Engineer based at Ballera, South West Queensland and in 2010 she shifted to a Reservoir Engineering role looking after Cooper Basin oil and gas assets. In 2012, Helena decided to broaden her industry knowledge by taking on a Planning Analyst role, responsible for modelling and identifying the opportunities, threats and implications of various investments and operating scenarios that affect Santos’ Eastern Australian portfolio. She moved back into a Reservoir Engineering position in mid-2013 to broaden her technical experience and since then has been promoted to Senior Reservoir Engineer.

Helena is a frequent speaker at university and industry events, often giving presentations to university students interested in entering the resources sector, either on behalf of Santos, Society of Petroleum Engineers or as invited by other professional societies such as Engineers Australia and the Australian Institute of Energy.

• Anastasia Plischka – Gekko Systems (VIC)
• Eleanor Lober – South 32 GEMCO (NT)
• Hope Adams – Glencore Coal Assets Australia (NSW)
• Jennifer Kotek – MMG Australia Ltd (TAS)
• Kalpana Maharage – Rio Tinto Iron Ore (WA)
• Sandra Newman – Rio Tinto Coal Australia (QLD)

Winner – Exceptional Woman in Australian Resources
Bronwyn Barnes (Windward Resources WA
) – Beginning with an unconventional path into the sector, Bronwyn Barnes' 15 year mining career has included roles at companies from BHP Billiton to emerging juniors in director, leadership and operational roles. She has a passion for the industry and its relationships with the outside world, and an outstanding track record of ensuring effective corporate governance, winning government endorsement and approval, and driving equity for Indigenous people. She has steered major projects from exploration to operation, and connected the Western Australian resources sector with international mining investment.

Bronwyn holds a number of director positions stretching beyond the resources sector that reflect her interests in corporate governance, Indigenous affairs, education and political life. Bronwyn actively promotes women’s involvement in mining and she mentors and supports other women to participate in the resources sector.

• Erin Woolford – Ninti Kata (SA)
• Janette Hewson – Peabody Energy Australia (QLD)
• Jo Barron-Perry – BHP Billiton (SA)
• Leonora Wehrmann – Kellogg Brown and Root Pty Ltd (NT)
• Rebecca-Lee Ritchie – Copper Mines of Tasmania (TAS)
• Simone Painter – Alkane Resources – Tomingley Gold Operations (NSW)

Winner – Gender Diversity Champion
Jacqui McGill (BHP Billiton, Olympic Dam QLD)
– Jacqui McGill has been in the mining and resources industry for over 20 years and broke new ground as the first female mine manager in South Australia and in mid-2013 being appointed the first female Asset President in Coal with BHP Billiton Mitsui Coal (BMC) in 2013.

Jacqui has a passion and drive for ensuring the resources sector is more reflective of the communities we live in through being more gender balanced, and providing opportunities and an environment where women can be successful.

In her time as General Manager and Asset President with BMC this drive has meant the pipeline of female talent has increased considerably now with 33% of BMC Managers in non-traditional roles being fulfilled by females and nearly 60% (four of the 7) BMC Executive Leadership Team (ELT) roles now fulfilled by women.

• Jo Barron-Perry – BHP Billiton (SA)
• Linda O’Farrell – Fortescue Metals Group (WA)
• Michelle Lawson – Glencore Coal Assets Australia (NSW)
• Tim Hewitt – Newmont-Tanami Operations (NT) 

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