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ACIL Allen report highlights economic benefits of FIFO

The report, which looked at the economic impact of regional spending by Rio Tinto’s regional FIFO workforce in 2016, estimates that Rio Tinto’s $425 million of regional spending created an additional economic stimulus of $185 million and 1,250 jobs in regional WA.

Last year, Rio Tinto, one of the Australia’s largest corporate taxpayers, spent $116 million with local suppliers, paid almost $2 million in airport fees and charges and contributed $1.4 million to community programmes and events.

CME Chief Executive, Reg Howard-Smith, said the ACIL Allen Consulting report supports the view that the WA Nationals’ anti-FIFO ‘Live Where You Work Policy’ is another irrational policy that will threaten jobs and stop economic benefits flowing across regional WA.

“As the 2017 State election draws closer, Brendon Grylls and the WA Nationals have proposed another ill-thought out policy that will threat jobs across regional WA,” Mr Howard-Smith said

“FIFO provides families with choice. We support strong regional communities and local employment throughout the state, but the reality is FIFO is a preference for many employees in WA’s resources sector and politicians should not dictate to people where they should live and work.

“Resource sector companies employ workers from regional towns across the whole state. Residents of regional towns are provided greater job choices and the ability to remain in their home towns, where many have established family commitments and support networks.

“This is another example of Brendon Grylls playing politics to try and win seats rather than working to implement sensible policies that are in the best interests of people across of the entire state.”

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