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Adaptation the Key for Climate Change

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy WA (CME) today launched the “Climate Adaption in Regional Mining Value Chain Study”.

CSIRO with the collaboration of CME and the Goldfields Environment Management Group embarked on the study to determine viable pathways to climate adaptation in a regional and industry context.

The project provided an opportunity for the mining industry, scientists, government agencies and the broader community to come together and discuss the future development of the region under changing climatic conditions.

“It is important the mining industry has the information it needs about future conditions to ensure sustainable development and ongoing contribution to a prosperous regional and state economy for years to come,” said CME Goldfields Manager, Linda Crook.

“Adaptation to change is important and the mining industry has been proactive in preparing this study to help identify ‘no-regrets’ and ‘win-win’ adaptation options,” said Ms Crook.

“The study identified the main vulnerabilities of the various elements of the regional mining value chain. Impacts on water and energy supply were identified and viable pathways to regional adaptation are explored in the study,” said Ms Crook.

An official launch of the study and a presentation by CSIRO’s Dr Barton Loechel on the key findings will held at the CME Kalgoorlie Office, 115 Egan Street at 10.30am on 2 August, 2013.

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