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Australia Institute Ignores Facts in Flimsy Report

Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) Deputy Chief Executive Nicole Roocke said the latest contribution from the Australia Institute, Mining the Age of Entitlement, was just another poorly researched report from a so-called think-tank.
“Today’s report conveniently ignores facts in pursuit of generating an anti-resources headline,” said Ms Roocke.
The 2014-15 State Budget released last month again highlighted the economic importance of the resources sector, with more than 22 per cent of the State Government’s revenue coming from mining royalties alone. Royalty income is forecast to account for over 25 per cent of the Government’s revenue in 2017-18, up from only 5 per cent in 2003-04.
“Reliance on income from the resources sector has never been greater, with an expected contribution of $7.3 billion, in 2014-15,” said Ms Roocke.
“To include State Government funding to Verve Energy, a State Government energy asset which supplies power to Perth households and businesses in a list of subsidies to the resources sector is an error that university students wouldn’t make,” said Ms Roocke.
“State Government funding for upgrades to State Government owned ports such as Fremantle and Geraldton are not subsidies, but important infrastructure investments.  Ports are vital to all industries across Western Australia,” said Ms Roocke.
Other claims made in the report focus on transport funding such as roads which delivers to benefits to all road users.
“This is a flimsy report and the Australia Institute have clearly let their ideology get in the road of the facts,” said Ms Roocke.

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