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Business unites in call to repeal Mining and Carbon taxes.

Statement by CCI Chief Executive Officer – Deidre Willmott,
CME Chief Executive – Reg Howard-Smith, and
AMEC Chief Executive Officer – Simon Bennison.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of WA, with the Chamber of Minerals and Energy WA and the Association of Mining and Exploration Companies have united on behalf of business, to call on the Senate to repeal both the Mining and Carbon taxes to ensure the economy remains competitive and productive, continues to grow and create jobs.

In the long lead up to the September 2013 Federal election the business community spoke with one voice about the need for a more stable political and regulatory environment, and for a level playing field on which business in Australia can compete.

The Coalition’s clear commitments that it would repeal both the Mining Tax and the Carbon Tax if elected were central to its election success and the business community is again speaking with one voice in saying these taxes must now both go and they must go as soon as possible.

Maintaining a high fixed price of carbon will continue to damage the competitiveness of Australian businesses.  Australian businesses face increasing competition at home and abroad from overseas suppliers who are not charged for their carbon emissions.

The same can be said about the poorly designed and unsuccessful mining tax which places further burden on the mining and exploration industry and the small businesses that service them.

The high cost of doing business is a key barrier to further investment in Australia. Removing these taxes will be an important way for Government to alleviate this cost burden and restore international competitiveness.

Business needs the Senate to act now and repeal these costly taxes as soon as possible.

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