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Certainty Needed For Aboriginal Heritage

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) has welcomed today’s release of exposure draft legislative amendments to the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 (WA).
“CME has long advocated for improvements to develop additional transparency and certainty in the Aboriginal Heritage system,” said CME Deputy Chief Executive, Nicole Roocke.
“The Aboriginal Heritage Act has been in operation since 1972 and CME considers it an appropriate time to update the legislation so it remains contemporary,” said Ms Roocke.
The resources sector is a key stakeholder in the heritage system.
“Like all stakeholders involved, industry is looking for a system which is balanced and efficient while effectively protecting Aboriginal heritage sites of significance,” said Ms Roocke.
During the consultation period CME will continue to work with industry members and the Department of Aboriginal Affairs to ensure the resources sector’s perspectives are taken into account.
“The resources sector is focused on ensuring the amendments result in an improved, efficient and robust system,” said Ms Roocke.

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