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CME Congratulates Gary Gray on His Contribution to Mining and Energy

The resources sector acknowledges the contribution of its friend and Shadow Minister for Resources, the Hon. Gary Gray AO, on news of his retirement from federal politics.

Mr Gray, also the Member for Brand, has been a strong advocate for the resources sector since his election to Parliament in 2007.

As a parliamentary secretary and then Minister in Labor governments, Mr Gray was a passionate supporter of the sector with a deep understanding and affinity with its issues.

Mr Gray was a vocal critic of mooted changes to the diesel fuel rebate under the fuel tax credit scheme last year, which could have been detrimental to the industry. He also championed enterprise migration agreements in 2010 in order to facilitate project construction.

CME chief executive Reg Howard-Smith wished Mr Gray well in his new life away from Parliament.

"Gary has had a long and distinguished career in the resources sector, from his time at Woodside, being elected to Federal Parliament in 2007 and then being given the honour of becoming Australia’s Resources Minister in 2013,” Mr Howard-Smith said.

"In that role he continued and cemented the bipartisanship on issues impacting the sector.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank Gary for his tireless work, both in Government and in Opposition, working to advance the causes of the resources sector."

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