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CME Urges New Cabinet to Implement Commitments

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) has urged the new Liberal-National Cabinet to waste little time in implementing commitments made during the election campaign.

“The Western Australian resource sector’s major challenge is the rising cost of doing business. Our attractiveness as a place to develop resources projects is under threat due to additional layers of taxation and charges which are driving up business costs,” CME Chief Executive, Reg Howard-Smith said.

“Policy initiatives that focus on reducing costs, duplication and red tape will deliver ongoing economic benefits to all Western Australians,” Mr Howard-Smith said.

Of particular interest to the Western Australian resource sector are implementation of the following commitments:

  • The expansion of the Department of Mines and Petroleum’s approvals tracking scheme into the Department of Water, The Department of Environment Regulation and the Environmental Protection Authority.
  • The development of a publically available online biodiversity, water and cultural heritage database and virtual library.
  • The creation of a separate dedicated environmental regulatory department to look over all environmental approvals, associated enforcement and waste management functions.

“Premier Barnett’s strong statement opposing additional levies and taxes on the resource sector – such as the training levy proposed by the WA Nationals, showed a clear understanding of the challenges faced by the sector,” said Mr Howard-Smith

“CME is looking forward to working with the new Minister for Mines and Petroleum, Bill Marmion. As the Minister for the Environment, Minister Marmion was focused on reducing duplication and ensuring timely approvals processes. This commonsense approach was welcomed by the Western Australian resource sector,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

Media enquiries
Bruce Campbell-Fraser | | 0437 156 127

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