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CME Welcomes Productivity Commission Report

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) has welcomed today’s Productivity Commission’s Trade and Assistance Review 2013-14 which found the level of industry assistance for the mining industry to be negligible.

“Not content with dismissing the valuable economic contribution made by industry, anti-resources activists routinely mislead the community on the level of government assistance and subsidies available to the resources sector,” said CME Chief Executive Reg Howard-Smith.

“Today’s report should end the debate on this issue, but these activists have never let facts or evidence interfere with their campaign rhetoric,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

The resources sector continues to be a substantial contributor to State royalties and Commonwealth taxes and remains a key contributor to both state and national economies.

The 2015-16 State Budget released last month again highlighted the economic importance of the resources sector, with more than 14 per cent of the State Government’s revenue coming from mining royalties alone.

“A strong and prosperous resources sector delivers enormous benefits to the community.  It’s an industry all Western Australians should be proud of,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

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