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CME Welcomes State Government’s Response to Mental Health Inquiry

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) welcomed today’s response from the state government to the final report of the Parliamentary Inquiry into the Mental Health Impacts of Fly-In Fly-Out.

CME Acting Chief Executive Nicole Roocke said she was pleased the government had endorsed current structures and processes, including the Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC), the Mental Health Commission and development of the Work Health and Safety (Resources) Bill, to continue to address important employee wellbeing and mental health issues.

“Using the existing structures in place to address issues, evidence based research and consultation will support the mental health and wellbeing of employees and avoid unnecessary duplication,” Ms Roocke said.

“Industry supports further research to be carried out related to employee wellbeing by the appropriate government agencies, developed with input from all stakeholders to address areas where there are gaps in knowledge.”

Ms Roocke said it was pleasing to see state government working with industry and the community to address wellbeing and mental health issues. However it is still concerning a specific part of the resources sector workforce has been targeted through this Inquiry.

“Mental health issues are a matter for all of industry, the community and government to be concerned about. There are multiple industries utilising long distance commuting and many different occupations with a multitude of different factors influencing mental health outcomes.”

Ms Roocke said resources sector companies recognise the importance of employee wellbeing, with companies adopting a range of strategies including training and provision of support services.

“Employee wellbeing is important to the Western Australian resources sector and industry will continue to develop appropriate guidance and best practice material, such as the recently launched CME Mental Health Blueprint and ensure a focus on the topic through events such as the CME safety and health conference.”

CME will work with government, particularly through MIAC and the Mental Health Commission to ensure employee wellbeing continues to be paramount. 


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