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Devil Creek Project Wins 2012 WA Gas Award

Two integral figures in the development of the Devil Creek domestic gas project, Thomas Maher and John Anderson, were honoured today for their work in the domestic natural gas industry, receiving the Western Australian Gas Industry Development Award for 2012.

Sponsored by North West Shelf Gas Pty Ltd and the Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME), the Gas Industry Development Award recognises an outstanding contribution by an individual or company toward development of the domestic gas industry in Western Australia.

CME Chief Executive Reg Howard-Smith said the collaborative effort by both leaders had worked to produce Western Australia’s third natural domestic gas hub, and the first built in the state in almost 20 years.

“Thomas and John’s efforts to make this project happen have been invaluable. They are highly respected, innovative members of the energy community, who have used their many decades of experience to over-see the successful completion of the project” Mr Howard-Smith said.

“Thomas Maher and John Anderson join a stellar list of past Western Australian Gas Industry Development Award winners, including Alcoa of Australia Limited, Sir Charles Court, Bill Rogers, Phil Harvey, Harry Butler, Des Kelly, Eve Howell, Tim Shanahan, Keith Spence, Stuart Hohnen, David Agostini and David Eiszele.”



Thomas Maher

Qualified in business administration and geology, and with exploration and development experience from global projects in Cairo, North America and China, Thomas Maher joined Apache in 1986 as a senior staff geologist. Mr Maher is now the Vice President of the Australia region and Managing Director of Apache Energy Ltd.

John Anderson

Vice President for Santos for Western Australia and Northern Territory, and has qualifications in Law and Economics. Mr Anderson joined Santos in 1996 as Corporate Counsel for the former Queensland Northern Territory Business Unit, and has worked in a range of roles, including Manager Legal and Business Services, Group Executive Business Development, Vice President Strategic Projects and most recently Vice President Commercial.

The Project

The Devil Creek Gas Plant is located in Western Australia’s northwest, approximately 45 kilometres southwest of Dampier. The plant’s onshore facilities consist of a two train gas plant designed to process 220 Terajoules per day, a gas supply pipeline, and a sales gas export pipeline. The natural gas is processed at the Plant before being supplied into the Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline.

Opened for operation in December 2011, the $1.1 billion Devil Creek Gas Plant ensures an additional, independent gas supply to service the domestic gas market. In the nearly 12 months of operation, the plant has significantly bolstered the State’s security of supply, and has further acted to mitigate supply shortfalls. The Devil Creek Gas Plant is expected to maintain an integral role in providing for Western Australia’s future demands for natural gas.

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