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Discounted airfares good news for WA regional towns

Qantas will offer residents of Broome, Kalgoorlie, Karratha, Paraburdoo, Port Hedland and Newman a discount of between 10-30 per cent on their return economy airfares, excluding airport charges, security fees and GST.

CME Acting Chief Executive Nicole Roocke said its members had expressed concern over escalating charges for various services at airports and aerodromes, particularly at regional airports.

“Local government fees and charges represent a large portion of ticket prices and the significant costs resulting from increased fees and charges has threatened the viability of resources sector operations, as well as impacted on the affordability of flights for local residents,” Ms Roocke said.

“CME welcomes the commitment by the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder to reduce their airport passenger charges which means an even greater discount for Kalgoorlie residents.

“CME encourages more regional airports and local governments to reduce their fees and charges to assist in the affordability of travel for local residents.”

Ms Roocke said CME is participating in the Inquiry into regional airfares being undertaken by the Economics and Industry Standing Committee and looks forward to working with the Committee, state and local governments to find solutions to further reduce the cost of regional airfares.

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