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Emergency Response Skills to be Tested

Emergency response teams from resources companies in the Goldfields region will converge on Kalgoorlie this weekend to test their skills in a competition across a range of emergency scenarios.

The 2013 Eastern Region Surface Mine Emergency Response Competition, coordinated by the state’s peak resources representative body, The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME), provides an ideal training exercise and allows emergency response teams to use, compare and test their skills in a controlled environment.

“This competition has been running in the Goldfields for over 100 years, and continues to be vital in the continual improvement of mine rescue skills,” said CME Director, Nicole Roocke.

Over 4-5 May, 11 teams will compete in eight events including team skills, confined space rescue, fire fighting, vehicle extrication, rope rescue, hazardous chemicals, first aid, incident management scenario and a theory assessment.

“These teams will push themselves to the limit, with the goal of improving both their individual and team emergency response skills and knowledge,” said Ms Roocke.

Whilst improving skills is the goal, each team hopes to be the winner of an individual event and ultimately the ‘Best Team Overall’, challenged by the 2012 winner, Yilgarn One – Barrick Australia Pacific.

The participating teams are:

  • Agnew Gold
  • Alacer Gold Combined Team
  • Barrick Kanowna
  • BHP Billiton Nickel West Combined Team
  • Focus Minerals
  • KCGM
  • Paddington Gold, Norton Gold Fields
  • Saracen Gold
  • St. Barbara
  • Yilgarn One, Barrick Australia Pacific
  • Yilgarn Two, Barrick Australia Pacific

CME are appreciative of the use of Hannan’s North tourist mine, managed by KCGM as the competition headquarters and the site of some of the events. CME also thank Norton Gold Fields for the use of their mine site, and the Goldfields Institute of Technology for the use of the Centre for Engineering and Mining Training.

Media tour

Media are welcome to participate in a tour of mine rescue competition events on Sunday 5 May.

The tour will depart at 10.00am (sharp) from the Hannan’s North Superpit shop.

Please wear sturdy closed-in footwear, trousers and a long sleeve shirt as we will be going onto active mine sites. Cameras and filming equipment are welcome.

Mine Rescue Committee Chair, Tim Campbell will be on hand to answer questions. Please confirm your attendance on the details below.

Media enquiries
Linda Crook | | 0418 959 162

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