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Government’s Response to FIFO Report Welcomed

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) welcomes the Federal Government’s response to the Regional Australia Committee report into Fly In-Fly Out (FIFO).

CME Chief Executive, Reg Howard-Smith was pleased the Government examined the report in detail and responded directly to each recommendation.

“The resources sector was concerned about elements of the Committee’s 2013 report. CME are pleased the Government has not supported greater intervention in FIFO work practices,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

The extensive Regional Australia Committee Inquiry into FIFO practices ran for 18 months, received hundreds of submissions, visited numerous sites and held dozens of public hearings.

“FIFO is about providing choice for workers and in a competitive labour market, employee choice is paramount. Choice of what job they do, who they work for and importantly of where they choose to live,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

In recent years, we’ve seen a greater variety in FIFO rosters available, dramatic improvements in accommodation quality and facilities offered. Additionally most companies provide support groups and employee assistance programs to help new employees adjust to the FIFO lifestyle.

“The majority of mining companies also provide counselling services and promote awareness of wellbeing issues via their fit for work and health promotion programmes.”

“The resources sector supports the Government’s view all workplaces, across all sectors, have a role to play in supporting employee health and wellbeing,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

CME notes the acknowledgement in the Government’s response of the wide range of research which has already been undertaken in relation to the impacts of FIFO on employees, source communities and families.

“Industry is supportive of robust and peer-reviewed research to inform evidence based government decision making and policy development,” said Mr Howard-Smith.


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