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Government Website Allows Transparent Local Councils

Minister for Local Government Tony Simpson launched the MyCouncil website today, allowing ratepayers the opportunity to compare the performance and finances of individual local governments.

Welcoming the release of the website, CME chief executive Reg Howard-Smith said it was crucial to good governance that government organisations operated efficiently.

“At a time when private sector companies and agencies at other levels of government are improving productivity, it is critical local governments also look internally to improve their efficiency, rather than seeking to continually increase the revenue stream from their ratepayers,” Mr Howard-Smith said.

“CME applauds the State Government for allowing open and accountable government through the launch of the MyCouncil website.”

The Department for Local Government and Communities also recently updated its rating polices regarding differential rates, minimum rate payments and land valuation for mining ratepayers.

“The updated rating policies clearly demonstrate the importance of local governments transparently detailing the rationale for rates revenue in their rating proposals and actively consulting with ratepayers,” Mr Howard-Smith said.

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