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IMO Wins 2015 Gas Award

The Independent Market Operator, whose responsibilities have recently been substantially adopted by the Australian Energy Market Operator, received the 2015 Western Australia Gas Industry Development Award at a ceremony this afternoon.

Chamber of Minerals and Energy chief executive Reg Howard-Smith presented the award, saying the IMO’s Gas Information Services Project comprised the Gas Bulletin Board and the Gas Statement of Opportunities.

“Together, this project aimed to improve transparency of short, medium and long term demand and supply for gas and gas infrastructure, assisting market participants, the government and other stakeholders,” Mr Howard-Smith said.

“No doubt industry and government representatives haven’t always agreed with the forecasts, such is the nature of forecasting, and with some operational aspects of the project.

“However, the consultative approach of the IMO and its responsiveness to feedback across four editions of the Statement of Opportunities and over two years of Bulletin Board operations has helped these improve substantially to be valuable sources of information on Western Australia’s domestic gas sector.”

Running for more than 15 years, the award is co-sponsored by North West Shelf Gas and CME. A panel of CME, North West Shelf Gas, industry and media representatives determined the winner.

AEMO group manager of development and capacity Kate Ryan accepted the award on behalf of the IMO.

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