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CME Welcomes New Appointment

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) is pleased to announce the appointment of Mrs Rebecca Davidson to the position of Manager, Mid West.

CME Chief Executive Reg Howard-Smith said Rebecca comes to the role with a great understanding of Geraldton and the broader Mid West community.

Prior to commencing with CME, Rebecca worked as an independent economics consultant working with a range of significant clients in the region and beyond. She has also worked with the City of Geraldton and at the Geraldton Guardian. Rebecca previously worked in the United Kingdom as a global bond and currency manager within the investment management industry.

“CME’s membership in the region will appreciate Rebecca’s strong understanding of economics, along with her direct business experience and her strong local community network. Rebecca will be a valuable addition to the CME team,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

Rebecca commenced in the role on Monday 3 November, 2014.

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