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New Environmental Protection Authority framework released

The EPA’s review was prompted by the Roe 8 Supreme Court legal challenge and findings of the subsequent independent legal review led by Peter Quinlan SC.

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy chief executive Reg Howard-Smith said the review will lead to an increase in confidence in environmental regulation in WA.

“Community confidence of environmental regulation in Western Australia is of utmost importance to the resources sector.

“This new policy framework will enable the community to have confidence the environmental merits of projects are based on a thorough and rigorous legal process.

“The timely manner in which this review has been completed by the EPA has helped mitigate unnecessary delays for resources projects undergoing environmental impact assessments,” Mr Howard-Smith said.   

CME will monitor the implementation of the new framework and work with members and the EPA to ensure the post-implementation review addresses any issues that may be encountered. 

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