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No Place For Drugs In Resources Sector

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) welcomes reports of the strong response of the Western Australia Police Service in tackling the scourge of drugs in our community.

CME Chief Executive Reg Howard-Smith applauded efforts by the WA Police to crack down on this issue across the community and was pleased resources companies were offering cooperation and support.

“Illicit drug is a serious issue, not just due to the significant community impact, but with regards to the resources sector the use of illicit substances and alcohol are critical safety issues,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

“There is no greater priority for the resources sector than the health and safety of employees.  Everyone has a right to go home safely at the end of the day,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

The nature of resource sector operations, with complex equipment and remote locations, means the broader sector has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to proliferating or being found under the influence of illicit substances.

“If you are impaired by one of these substances while at work you could be putting yourself and your colleagues at serious risk of injury or death.  No one wants to work next to someone who is impaired by illicit substances,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

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