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Pilbara Charter signals fresh start

The Pilbara Collaboration has been developed as part of a coordinated initiative by CME and partners BHP, Chevron Australia, CITIC Pacific Mining, Fortescue Metals Group, Rio Tinto Ore, Roy Hill, Woodside and Yara Pilbara in response to the Premier’s request for industry and Government to work together.

CME Chief Executive Reg Howard-Smith said the new charter would build on individual companies’ existing social and economic contribution.

“The first agreed priority area for collaboration is employment, education and training, with a key focus on developing pathways from education and training into employment,” Mr Howard-Smith said.

“The signing of the Pilbara Collaboration Charter represents the commitment of the resources companies in the Pilbara and the Government of Western Australia to work in collaboration to deliver improved outcomes for the community.

“CME is leading the development and delivery of the Pilbara Collaboration strategy and companies are committed to working with the government and community to target and address issues with education and training.”

Other priority focus areas defined under the Charter are community development – health, procurement and supply chain, and joint project initiatives.

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