CME’s Infrastructure portfolio covers energy, water, aviation, ports, freight, rail and broader infrastructure policy and planning proposals and reviews. CME’s advocacy encourages coordinated planning across infrastructure asset classes and the identification of the state’s economic and social infrastructure needs.
Projects & Issues
- Advocate for the development of government policies around people, water, energy and infrastructure based on the outcomes of CME’s biennial Resources Sector Outlook report
- Identifying the state’s infrastructure needs and advocating innovative ways to facilitate planning, investment and delivery, particularly in the areas of ports, aviation, roads, water and energy
- Identifying and recommending infrastructure investment frameworks and models for appropriate investment between industry, private financiers and the tiers of government
- Addressing planning issues to ensure they are transparent and strengthened to provide certainty in protecting industrial areas, buffers and corridors
- Advocating for efficient port operations and development to facilitate trade at least cost
- Advocacy on state energy matters which provides a framework for meeting the future needs of the state
External Groups
CME’s Infrastructure Committee and Groups provide guidance on CME’s participation on a number of external groups:
- Freight and Logistics Council of WA
- Perth Airport Planning Coordination Forum
- Economic Regulatory Authority Community Consultative Committee
- Department of Water’s Water Reference Reform Group