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Results in for South West Emergency Response Skills Challenge

Five emergency response teams from South-West resource companies put their skills to the test in a weekend competition across a range of emergency scenarios.

Proudly coordinated by The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) the South West Emergency Response Skills Challenge allows teams to use, compare and test their emergency response skills in a controlled environment.

Held over 31 August and 1 September at Newmont Boddington Gold, teams were tasked with realistic scenarios including confined space and hazardous material management, rope rescue, fire fighting, vehicle extraction, first aid and a theory assessment.

CME Director Nicole Roocke said the Challenge was an ideal training exercise.

“The resources sector places the highest importance on safety and this event allows companies to evaluate their knowledge and skills against other teams,” Ms Roocke said.

“CME is proud to host these skills challenges and it’s great to see how passionate and dedicated toward safety these companies are.”

“Newmont Boddington Gold as host company certainly went all out to ensure the challenge was a success and our thanks go to all involved including the competing teams, event management personnel, volunteers and organisers who all worked tirelessly.”

The full list of 2012 winners are:

• Overall Best Team Winner: Premier Coal

• Overall ‘Best Team’ Runner-Up: Newmont Boddington Gold

• Team Safety Award: Premier Coal

2nd Place: BHP Billiton Nickel West

• Confined Space Rescue: Premier Coal

2nd Place: BHP Billiton Nickel West

• Hazardous Material Event: Newmont Combined Team

2nd Place: BHP Billiton Nickel West

• Rope Rescue: Premier Coal

2nd Place: BHP Billiton Nickel West

• First Aid: Premier Coal

2nd Place: Newmont Boddington Gold

• Fire Fighting: Premier Coal

2nd Place: Newmont Boddington Gold

• Vehicle Extrication: BHP Billiton Nickel West

2nd Place: Newmont Boddington Gold

• Theory: Premier Coal

2nd Place: Newmont Boddington Gold

• Theory – Reserve Award: Benjamin Martin – BHP Billiton Nickel West.

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