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Supporting Aboriginal Australians in the WA Resources Sector

Building capacity and resilience for Aboriginal Australians working in the Western Australian resources sector are set to be a key outcomes of a forum held as part of NAIDOC week celebrations.

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) has partnered with Christine Ross to host the inaugural Indigenous Australians in the Resources Sector Forum at the Hyatt Hotel on Friday 11 July, 2014.

More than 120 Aboriginal Australians will attend the event and hear presentations from inspiring speakers, including the winner of the CME Outstanding Women in Resources Award, Kyra Bonney.  Key topics covered at the forum will include an overview of the history of NAIDOC, engagement with traditional owners and the importance of mentoring in the workplace.

“The Western Australian resources sector is proud to be the largest employer of Aboriginal Australians.  CME’s 2013 Diversity in Resources Sector Survey highlighted more than 4.2 per cent of the sector’s workforce are Aboriginal Australians,” said CME Chief Executive Reg Howard-Smith.

“The resources sector’s commitment to the skills development of Aboriginal Australians is clearly demonstrated through CME’s sponsorship of this event,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

While the forum promises to be an exciting professional development opportunity for attendees, participants will also have the chance to share their own experiences of working in the resources sector.

“Establishing new networks, sharing their journey and learning from each other will be a key outcome from the event,” said Mr Howard-Smith.

“With 11 per cent of all apprentices and trainees in the Western Australian resources sector identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, the sector’s Aboriginal representation will continue to grow into the future,” said Mr Howard-Smith

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