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Underground Mine Emergency Response Competition Results

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) congratulated everyone involved in the annual CME Underground Mine Emergency Response Competition held over the weekend.

Welcoming KCGM’s commitment to mine emergency response through hosting the event for the fourth consecutive year at its Mt Charlotte site in Kalgoorlie-Boulder, CME also acknowledges the 12 teams which took the opportunity to further develop their emergency response capability.

They were each tasked with realistic scenarios to evaluate their knowledge and skills in fire fighting, first aid, search and rescue, rope rescue, team skills, incident management, breathing apparatus skills and theory.

CME Chief Executive Reg Howard Smith said the competition was one of the tightest contests ever seen in the history of the event.

“Only one point separated the first and second placed teams,” he said.

“This is testament to the high skill level displayed throughout the weekend, and I congratulate the efforts of all the teams and individuals that participated.”

Also at a special presentation dinner, on the Sunday night, the Steinhauser Award, recognising excellence and commitment to mine rescue, was presented to Sue Steele from Red Earth Health Solutions, for her dedication to the mine rescue community over the past 18 years.

The winners are:

Best Team:

1st Place: Barrick Kanowna, Barrick Gold of Australia
2nd Place: KCGM, Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mine
3rd Place: Norton Gold Fields.

  • Team Skills: Barrick Kanowna, Barrick Gold of Australia
  • Search and Rescue: KCGM, Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mine
  • Rope Rescue: KCGM, Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mine
  • Fire Fighting: La Mancha Mine Rescue, La Mancha Resources Australia
  • First Aid: KCGM, Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mine
  • Overall First Aid: KCGM, Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mine
  • Breathing Apparatus (BA) Skills: Agnew Gold, Agnew Gold Fields Mining Company
  • Overall BA Skills: Barrick Kanowna, Barrick Gold of Australia
  • Theory: Barrick Kanowna, Barrick Gold of Australia
  • Team Safety: KCGM, Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mine
  • Best Scenario: First Aid
  • Incident Management Scenario: Christian Price, Underground Manager, Gold Fields – St Ives, Gold Fields Australia Ltd
  • Theory Individual: Anthony Scharf, La Mancha Resources
  • Best New Captain: Damian Hudson, Silver Lake Resources
  • Best New Team: Agnew Gold, Agnew Gold Fields Mining Company
  • Best Captain: Drew Miller, KCGM, Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mine.

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