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WA Biodiversity Science Institute to Support State Based Approvals

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) welcomes the launch of the Western Australia Biodiversity and Science Institute (WABSI) by the Premier and Science Minister Colin Barnett.

Western Australia is renowned globally for its rich biodiversity as well as significant mineral resources.  

CME Acting Chief Executive Nicole Roocke said the formation of WABSI will see a more effective and coordinated approach to acquiring and interpreting biodiversity knowledge to support sustainable resources development. 

The formation of WABSI demonstrates WA’s commitment to the Australian Government’s ‘one-stop-shop’ environmental approvals policy, which will refer federal approval assessments and decision making to states and territories under bilateral agreements. 

“While the conservation lobby may criticise the delegation of federal approvals as ‘watering-down’ environmental standards, WABSI is evidence of Western Australia’s commitment to strong science-based decision making,” Ms Roocke said.

WABSI will position the state with the science capability and knowledge needed to effectively and efficiently process the development approvals of the future. 

CME and resources sector companies have played a key role in the establishment of WABSI.

“This collaboration has facilitated the development of a research plan focused on the knowledge needs of the resources sector and incorporating all key research providers within WA,” Ms Roocke said.

“The resources sector has been a major contributor to existing knowledge of terrestrial biodiversity in Western Australia and will continue to be a key partner through WABSI.”

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