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Women In Resources Awards Finalists Announced

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) has announced its finalists for the 2016 Women in Resources Awards (WIRA).

The finalists represent a broad cross section of technical, operational and corporate roles in the resources sector. They also recognise male and females that champion gender diversity in the workplace.

The awards will take place on Friday 4 March during a presentation breakfast at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Respected journalist and commentator Annabel Crabb will host the event and will be joined on stage by fellow author and publisher of, Mia Freedman.

CME chief executive Reg Howard-Smith said the awards, now in its seventh year, had grown to be an important event on the resource industry calendar.

“With over 80 nominations received across the five award categories, we have again seen the high calibre of people working in the Western Australian resources sector showcased,” Mr Howard-Smith said.

“The awards celebrate the inspirational women we have working here in Western Australia, the men and women who champion gender diversity and the efforts of companies in the sector to improve the participation of women in our workforce.

“Many innovative companies in the resources sector have board-level strategies and operational plans to address diversity, highlighting its importance in driving better performance and productivity. Improving workforce diversity continues to be a focus for the Western Australian resources sector even during tough market conditions.”

Mr Howard-Smith encouraged people to learn more about the finalists on the CME website where they can vote for their selection through the People’s Choice Award.

For high resolution images of the finalists or more information, please contact Media and Communications Manager Alana Buckley-Carr.

The categories and finalists for the CME Women in Resources Awards 2015 are:

Outstanding Company Initiative                      

·         BHP Billiton Nickel West – Job Sharing in Senior Leadership. Nickel West has successfully implemented a senior leadership job-sharing role within one of the largest mining companies in the world.

·         Fortescue Metals Group – Trade Up. Trade Up is a new program which will see Aboriginal employees, with a focus on female participation, selected annually to complete a 12-month, nationally accredited traineeship which will then provide a pathway to a four-year apprenticeship program.          

·         Iluka Resources – Iluka's Diversity Journey. Since 2010, Iluka has taken a strategically planned approach to create a genuinely inclusive and diverse organisation that strives for year on year improvement in diversity.

·         Newmont Boddington Gold – Women's Professional Network. The Newmont Boddington Gold (NBG) Women’s Professional Network (WPN) is a workforce initiative designed to support and develop female employees.


Outstanding Technician/Operator/Trade Woman in Resources            

·         Laura Allen – Woodside Energy Ltd

·         Suzan Drake-Brockman – Alcoa of Australia

·         Yvonne Fahey – Alcoa of Australia


Outstanding Young Woman in Resources                   

·         Jessica Widenbar – BHP Billiton Iron Ore

·         Jodi Moffitt – Roy Hill

·         Katharine McKenzie – Jackson McDonald

·         Megan Kline – BHP Billiton Iron Ore


Outstanding Woman in Resources                  

·         Claire Negus – Roy Hill

·         Natasha Hendrick – Santos

·         Sharon Eyer – Alcoa of Australia

·         Sheila Graham – Shell Australia


Women in Resources Champion                     

·         Jeanette Hasleby – Roy Hill

·         Mark Stickells – The University of Western Australia

·         Michael Schoch – Shell Australia

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