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Workers rally at Parliament to save their jobs

The rally, which coincides with the resumption of parliamentary sittings, is expected to be attended by workers from across the gold sector and supporting industries.
Chamber of Minerals and Energy CEO, Reg Howard-Smith, said there will be a united front from gold companies, suppliers and their workers.
“Rain, hail or shine, workers will be there to let our politicians understand that Western Australian jobs must come first,” Mr Howard-Smith said.
“If the 50 per cent royalty increase is not blocked, up to 3000 men and women will lose their jobs in the gold sector and thousands more jobs will go from small businesses which support gold mining.
“These are real jobs and real people who will feel the impact of this ill-conceived decision by the Labor Government.”
Rally attendees will hear from Treasurer Ben Wyatt, Liberal Leader Dr Mike Nahan, Pauline Hanson’s One Nation MLC Robin Scott and Nationals WA leader Mia Davies.
Representatives from the gold sector and associated industries will also address the rally.

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